Above Reason Is Our Next Degree
Question: We are preparing for the convention, and for two or three days now we have been listening to an excerpt where you explain to the convention organizers what you expect from Bnei Baruch, how to relate to the convention, and where you request for us to build it and lead it ourselves. Yesterday, we met with another ten, according to the recommendation of the social team and your recommendation, in order to incorporate with each other. Our feeling was that we really had already asked everything and you have been giving all the answers for several years. Friends remembered hearing the same words 19 years ago. At our degree, we have already finished scrutinizing, or maybe we are close to finishing our scrutiny? What is our next degree?
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: Our next degree is above reason. That is where we need to go, so that the force of bestowal will control us and direct us at every step, beyond the force of reception.
Question: To get there, what do you expect from us in classes, not only at the convention but in general? Do you expect that we will conduct the lesson differently, the gatherings, so that we really accept more responsibility upon ourselves? It is because, in the meantime, the lessons are conducted in a way where you answer all of our questions. Are you looking for another way? If we continue in such a way, you always run the class and we sit and listen to you. How can we progress from this state?
Dr. Laitman: You need to organize among yourselves and build a connection between yourselves such that you will want to reveal the Creator; that it is precisely the connection between you that determines your progress, and not me or my words. You want the connection between you to pull you forward, as if you are on a flying saucer and you are flying directly toward the goal—the connection between you with the Creator in the center—and that is only by faith above reason. However, first think together how you can depict what faith above reason is.