Convention Intention: Our Corrected State As We Can Imagine

Question: With what intention should we come to the convention, with the intention of reaching the end of correction or the intention of advancing another level or two? What is the ambition in the intention that we should come with?

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: Here is the question, what corrected state can we imagine that we are in or want to be in?   What connection is the strongest, the best, the warmest, the most like that we can imagine how we all connect in our hearts, that we will take our hearts and try to connect them together. What connection can we imagine in this one heart? Come on, let’s think, describe it to ourselves, and then we’ll see how much the hearts communicate, connect, get closer, and from that we’ll come to some sort of understanding of what should take place–that there should be one heart that includes all hearts, and each and every heart helps the other hearts enter into the connection of one heart. We can do it. I now see and feel that we can be connected like that. It can happen. So let’s hope that it happens. I love you.
