Why is a physical meeting at a congress preferable to a virtual one?

Rav: A physical gathering, because we are in a corporeal world, and besides the corporeal impressions from each other, we have nothing, everything else the Creator; we don’t determine anything, the Creator determines everything else from His higher concealed, hidden level. So we have to do what is upon us, and I remember how Rabash related to such gatherings, what great importance he used to relate to it, to attribute to it. So even though I still don’t attain the importance that he felt, still, it is still, it left an impression in me and I think that we really, really should do this, the men. The women, I don’t know, I’m happy to hear that they too are coming to our building to have a gathering here for those two days. But this is already something else, this is something else already; let’s try to connect in our hearts and a physical Congress, like that, is very, very important.Back
