Come to the festival of joy!

INFO: Amigos, kli olami, we invite you to sign up for the congress – a very important congress. This is the union of all the friends in your ten, and we ask everyone to sign up. If anyone is having difficulty, please contact us. The congress is on August 27-28, and from now on until the congress we want to organize meetings in Arvut and we need all friends from all tens to be in this zoom. At 5:45 am, come with an open heart and lots of love so that we can meet for 15-20 minutes at our festival and carnival of joy. We will send you a zoom link on Whatsapp, Arvut.

It will be every Thursday at 5:45 am after the morning lesson and it will be! We are waiting for you to join in the hearts and fill the hearts with joy. Thanks a lot. Onward!

Reader: Thank you, friends.

M. Laitman: Yes, I am very impressed with the congress that is to come. This is the first convention after the ninth of Av – it is a sad day. I am very glad that Latin America is doing just that. And this is a good sign, and I am with you heart and soul!
